Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Peach" colored Daylily

"Peach" colored Daylily
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

I love this color of Daylily! I will have to plant some next year!

Horse farm, Williamstown, MA

Horse farm, Williamstown, MA
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

This is the barn for the horses in the previous photo.

Horse farm

Horse farm
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

This is in Williamstown. I always have to get photos of this beautiful place!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Can you see the "hummer"?

Can you see the "hummer"?
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

For a "point & shoot" camera, I was lucky to get this fella as fast as he was going. The light was just right, you can even see his eyes, but his little wings were going too fast for my little camera!

Echinacea as far as the eye can see!

Echinacea as far as the eye can see!
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

The height of summer!


Originally uploaded by anslatadams

More summer flowers

Monday, July 11, 2011

It’s Hot

It’s Hot

NASA - What's Next For NASA?

NASA - What's Next For NASA?

To the Moon and Beyond

NASA is designing and building the capabilities to send humans to explore the solar system, working toward a goal of landing humans on Mars. We will build the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, based on the design for the Orion capsule, with a capacity to take four astronauts on 21-day missions.

We will soon announce the design for the heavy-lift Space Launch System that will carry us out of low Earth orbit. We are developing the technologies we will need for human exploration of the solar system, including solar electric propulsion, refueling depots in orbit, radiation protection and high-reliability life support systems. 

 I am so excited about this! Finally NASA thumbed its nose at Washington and said to hell with you politicians, it was meant for man to explore the universe and we're going to do it with or without you!! Thank you NASA for showing America what patriotism truly is and the spirit of America!! I'm so excited I think I'm going to try and get a job with NASA!
At last my 40 something niece and nephew will get to witness with their own eyes, a rocket going into SPACE and to the moon, again! At last 40 years generations, will once again see man going to the moon and walking on it and to Mars and beyond and I thank God I'm still alive to witness this fruition of the American spirit. It is alive and well at NASA!!

Tiger Lily blooming in my garden

Tiger Lily blooming in my garden
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

I love these!!

More shots of my Bee Balm flowers

More shots of my Bee Balm flowers
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

These are the Bee Balm flowers in my little square garden which the hummer are literally fighting over these flowers! lol

Hummingbird on Bee Balm (Sorry its blurry!)

Hummingbird on Bee Balm (Sorry its blurry!)
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

He was moving so fast, my camera wasn't fast enough so this is a little blurred.

Curious Catbird

Curious Catbird
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

I was playing a tape of Mockingbird calls when this curious Catbird landed in the tree above me and looked at me. I was able to get a quick shot of this elusive fella!

Orange Daylily

Orange Daylily
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

We're going back to the moon and beyond!!! :-)

"As a former astronaut and the current NASA Administrator, I'm here to tell you that American leadership in space will continue for at least the next half-century because we have laid the foundation for success -- and failure is not an option."
Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator

God Bless America

Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Happy 4th of July!

About Me

My photo
I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!