Friday, July 31, 2009

The other side of Mt Rushmore

The other side of Mt Rushmore
Originally uploaded by twm1340


This was on Flickr here's the photographer's notes:

The other side of Mt Rushmore
I got this in an email and posted it as soon as I got my monitor wiped off. I got this from my good friend and contact Old Coasty.
by twm1340

Monday, July 27, 2009

Zsa Zsa tongue

Zsa Zsa tongue
Originally uploaded by spurmarks

Here's her incredible story:

Uploaded by spurmarks on 27 Jul 09, 9.34AM EDT.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Apollo 8 40th Anniversary

I'll never forget this!!

Apollo 11

Apollo 11
Originally uploaded by Jar With Most

The Patch of Apollo 11. Posted on Flickr by Jar With Most.

Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong
Originally uploaded by FotosOArte

This lady took this photo of Neil Armstrong this year and what a wonderful smile!! He still looks great, too! So good to actually see him out and about!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Forty years ago...

Forty years ago...
Originally uploaded by twm1340

It's hard to believe it's been this long already. I put this together quite a while back as my own tribute and thought this would be a good time to share it.

From: twm1340 on Flickr

My words: It was the zenith of our country's history! I will never forget
it and when I watch the tapes, I still get tears in my eyes.. With God's
help, we made it. These men were so brave and all the others that
went up before and after them! I miss the Apollo moon missions.
It was a great time in our country's history!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mike Oldfield - Incantations - Space Movie (2/2)

I love this!

CBS News - Apollo 11 Moon Landing, July 1969 - part 1!!

Man On The Moon - Apollo 11- Cronkite Broadcast Pt1

Walter Cronkite-Apollo 11

Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily
Originally uploaded by dmott9

Lilium columbianum

Columbia Lily or Tiger Lily (sharing the latter common name with several other species in its genus).

This is the Tiger Lily I've been looking for! The ones I have in my photos are a different species!! I wish I could get some of these.
The grow little corms between the leaves and the stem that look like
little black berries. You can plant them and start more flowers from
them! I used to do that when I had this species pictured here, in Georgia! I loved them because you could get a never ending supply of new plants from the old ones and distribute them all around the yard!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Milkweed blossoms

Milkweed blossoms
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

The Milkweed plant plays an important role in the life cycle of the Monarch butterflies!
It's very important that these plants be allowed to grow wherever they can. The beautiful Monarch butterfly is becoming an endangered species and needs our help! So if you have Milkweed growing anywhere near your house or even on the sides of the roads in your neighborhoods, please protect these plants! If the county wants to cut weeds on the sides of the roads, you might want to transplant the plants when they're young into your yards! If we all work together to save this plant, we will be able to increase the Monarch butterfly population!

Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

God bless you Uncle Walter, you will be sorely missed. May you sail on peaceful seas.
How ironic that his passing was just shortly after the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 launch! I will never forget my mother and I sitting in the living room watching the liftoff
of Apollo 11. Walker Cronkite was as excited as the rest of us! He and astronaut Wally
Schirra were reporting on the launch. I will never forget when the enormous SaturnV
rocket was lifting off he said to Wally Schirra "the building's shaking!!!" lol He was such
a part of our everday life when I was growing up! I remember my parents and I watching "The Twentieth Century" that would come on I think on Sunday evenings. He
had clips of his coverage of World War II a lot. I couldn't have been but 5 years old and
yet I will never forget it. It really made an impression on me. The day President Kennedy was assasinated, I was home from school because I wasn't feeling well. Then a neighbor came over and told us what happened and there was Mr. Cronkite, reporting on the death of President Kennedy. You could see he was about to tear up,
he took his glasses off and you could see tears welling up in his eyes, but he held up,
he had to for all of us. But I will especially remember his enthusiasm for the space program and especially covering the Apollo moon missions. He really loved that. And
that enthusiasm he passed on to me. Because of "Uncle Walter", I have become an
enthusiastic supporter of the space program and always will be. God bless his family.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blastoff of Space Shuttle Endeavour

Blastoff of Space Shuttle Endeavour
Originally uploaded by DoctorTubaUF

This is another shot of the Shuttle Endeavour from another Flickr
photographer DoctorTubaUF. Fantastic shot!!

Lift Off!

Lift Off!
Originally uploaded by celticsong22

This was posted on Flickr by celticsong22. She lives in Florida, I can't remember if it's Daytona or where, but anyway, she was able
to capture a shot of shuttle taking off to the heavens!! Wow!! Great
job, Chris!!! Amazing!

1000 mph

1000 mph
Originally uploaded by celticsong22

Here's how it goes in my neck of the woods....

1. watch the local news to see if the impending thunderstorm will stop the launch.

2. Wait until about a minute and a half before lift off, then go outside and take a few practice shots.

3. Watch the shuttle rise into the sky and fly over the ocean.

4. Watch the tiny, orange speck of flame until there's separation and it disappears.

5. Grab some more shots of the shuttle trail.

6. Go back in the AC and cool off again!

This is the view from my front yard of the Endeavor Launch at 6:03, July 15, 2009.

View On Black

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Asiatic or Tiger Lily

Asiatic or Tiger Lily
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

My Tiger lilies are blooming along with my Daylilies. Summer is moving fast. I haven't seen that many butterflies, which really surprises me since I have a lot of flowers. I did see one Tiger Swallowtail on top of my maple tree, but that was about a month ago and I haven't seen any since! However, I do have hummingbirds
coming regularly to my garden because I have Bee Balm flowers
and they love those!

Snoozing again!

Snoozing again!
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Actually I think Bugaboo closed his eyes because
he knew I was going to take a photo! LOL
This is one of my 3 cats. Bugaboo is the only one with a bobbed

Berries (I think they're from the Honeysuckle bush).

Berries (I think they're from the Honeysuckle bush).
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Now that I think of it, these are the leaves of the honeysuckle bush. I didn't realize
honeysuckles could have RED berries, down south, the honeysuckle VINE has black
round berries after they bloom.

Here in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, we haven't had
much of a summer, if by summer you mean really warm weather! It has been windy almost all summer and VERY RAINY! And the temps
haven't hardly got out of the 70s. Which is not bad, if you like cool
summers, but I don't know how good of a growing season it is! Our
tomatoes are just now blooming and there are two tomatoes the size
of peas right now. We may have about 6 more weeks of summer weather left. It's kind of sad. I remember when I couldn't wait for summer to be over when I lived in Georgia, I really looked forward to
fall, but here, summer is soo short, I want it to last a little longer! Oh
well, one extreme to the other! LOL! Maybe we should have moved to
Pennsylvania or Virginia, sort of halfway between the north and the south! lol

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Originally uploaded by goblirschrolf

Baby Barn-Swallows in my yard.
I like the way those siblings get along so well, compared to some other bird-types

Aren't they cute!! Sweet babies!

About Me

My photo
I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!