My mom during WWII
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
My mother was in the Women's Army Corp during WWII. She was a photographer and a driver and also worked some in communications, she served in Europe. Later she and my father met while on leave and married in Berlin in 1947 and were also involved in the Berlin airlift. After their service was over they headed for the states and my mother gave birth to my sister, Nancy. During the Berlin airlift, my mother was already pregnant with my sister and she told me that the plane almost didnt' make it over the trees and they had to sit on TRUNKS in the airplane. My gosh it must have been rough being pregnant and being jolted around like that. And thank God they made it or my sister and I wouldn't be here today. My mother became the best mother in the world to my sister and me. She sewed all our clothes and taught us to be thrifty. We went to sunday school and church every Sunday except when we went on vacation. She taught us to pray and taught us to love nature and flowers her flower gardens over flowing with gorgeous blooms that were the talk of the neighborhood. When there was a crisis in the neighborhood, people always seemed to come to my mother for comfort. To me she was a saint. She insisted I take piano lessons and although I took them grudgingly back then, now I'm glad I did!! She told me that one day if I were feeling sad, all I would have to do is go to the piano and play and it would lift my spirits. She was right. She always read to us at nap time, I still can remember all the stories from those Little Golden Books. She passed away in 1990, but I feel she is still with me everyday and I truly believe I will see her again when I leave this world. I love you Mother. God bless you, you are my guardian angel now.
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