Pale pink Lilacs
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
It's Lilac time in New England!
My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.." Romeo and Juliet--Shakespeare
Our dear Freckles passed away after being the best companion I could ever have (besides my husband). She understood me. She knew when I was restless and when we had a car we would go all over the place exploring together. Freckles enjoyed riding with me, she wouldn't have it any other way. I rescued her off a busy freeway, she was sitting like you see her in this photo on a grassy median with 18 wheelers zooming by, but her eyes weren't warm and friendly then, they were filled with fear. Big brown eyes reaching for me through the traffic. I pulled the truck over and when I got the chance I ran over and picked her up, people asked "Weren't you afraid she would bite you?" No, because Freckles and I both didn't have TIME to be afraid, it was life or death perhaps for both of us. When it was clear I ran with her in my arms back to the truck and she hopped in like she had been with me all along. If she had an owner, they never called to claim her and she had no collar. Sometimes I believe she was a guardian angel waiting there for me to pick her up and take her home to share the next 11 years of tears and joy with me. I will never, ever forget you Freckles. Your love for me never wavered, you were there with me through the worst of times and through the best of times. You even taught the cats how to behave, lol, and guarded us day and night. I love you so much, I miss you so much. Why is it that pets have a shorter life than we do? It seems it should be the other way around. They are saints, we are the sinners. They are loyal... are we always loyal?? I don't think so. You have to admit, sometimes just like people in our lives, we take them for granted that they will always be there. But I went through so much emotionally when we first moved here, that I NEVER could take her for granted. She was always there for me and when I couldn't sleep at night she would jump up on the bed, roll over on her back and I would rub her belly until she and I both fell asleep. I know it's selfish, but I wish to God you were still here, Freckles, I need you so much! I hope I see you again someday. xoxo Rest now my sweet little girl, you served faithfully.
Delicate pink and white Rhododendrons are blooming here in the last week of May as the Lilacs slowly start to fade. This year the fragrance of the Lilacs would drift on breezes in the evenings and it smelled so sweet coming through the windows at night! Now the Rhododendrons are putting on their show next. After that the Daylilies and Asiatic lilies will put on their display. It has been abnormally warm her for the last couple of weeks here in May! But still the evenings are nice and not stuffy, thank goodness. In the mornings the songs of the Robins, Orioles, Chickadees and many other birds drifts on the comfortable morning air, not too stuffy and not too chilly. It's just the middle of the day when the sun is high in the sky that it gets rather uncomfortable from the humidity being blown up here from the south. But by Wednesday or Thursday the first few days of June it will cool down to what I know New England is supposed to be like in early summer in the 70s with low humidity levels! I look forward to it!
The beauty of Thrift as my dear Mother called it although it's other name is creeping phlox, down south we called it Thrift. I wonder how it got that name. Maybe they were thrifty flowers to buy and covered the ground wherever you planted it?? Anyway, these colors together are so beautiful on a hillside in North Adams, MA.
My dad served in the China-Burma-India theatre during WWII. He was responsible for radio communications with the planes that "flew the hump" over the Himalayas to bring construction and military supplies. Many of the planes didn't make it "over the hump". I'm not sure if he served ON the planes with the pilots or on the ground communications. I remember bits and pieces of his service. Some rather scary things, not really related to war as related to mother nature. Many times he had to climb the radio tower to replace burned out "beacon lights" on them. He said the wind would make the tower sway at the top and it was like doing a "high wire" act!! Then there was the time one morning in the tent he and his buddy were sharing and dad woke up first and happened to see his buddy's boot MOVING at the foot of his cot. Dad saw that a COBRA was in the boot and grabbed his carbine and shot and killed the cobra which in the meantime, needless to say scared the bejeebers out of his buddy!! LOL! My dad looked at him and said, "well would you have rather reached for your boots and had that sucker kill you???" After that his buddy was grateful!
Also my poor dad contracted Malaria while in Burma, and had to drink Quinine or take Quinine, he said it was really nasty. I even have a letter that he sent home to the family I will scan and share it. He complains about NOT SENDING ANYMORE SPAM which back in that day, was actually the canned meat or "mystery meat". LOL. My dad said it was so hot in Burma, he would get literally sick to his stomach. Some days reached 120 degrees probably with 100% humidity. The malaria never left him the rest of his life he would have relapses. It was frightening to see as he would shake all over with chills and his teeth would literally chatter. He was a good man and a wonderful father. He taught his two daughters manners, to respect their elders, treat the neighbors and their property with respect, to say "Yes Sir" and "Yes Mam" and was adamant about getting our education. I love you Dad and I still miss you sorely.
My mother was in the Women's Army Corp during WWII. She was a photographer and a driver and also worked some in communications, she served in Europe. Later she and my father met while on leave and married in Berlin in 1947 and were also involved in the Berlin airlift. After their service was over they headed for the states and my mother gave birth to my sister, Nancy. During the Berlin airlift, my mother was already pregnant with my sister and she told me that the plane almost didnt' make it over the trees and they had to sit on TRUNKS in the airplane. My gosh it must have been rough being pregnant and being jolted around like that. And thank God they made it or my sister and I wouldn't be here today. My mother became the best mother in the world to my sister and me. She sewed all our clothes and taught us to be thrifty. We went to sunday school and church every Sunday except when we went on vacation. She taught us to pray and taught us to love nature and flowers her flower gardens over flowing with gorgeous blooms that were the talk of the neighborhood. When there was a crisis in the neighborhood, people always seemed to come to my mother for comfort. To me she was a saint. She insisted I take piano lessons and although I took them grudgingly back then, now I'm glad I did!! She told me that one day if I were feeling sad, all I would have to do is go to the piano and play and it would lift my spirits. She was right. She always read to us at nap time, I still can remember all the stories from those Little Golden Books. She passed away in 1990, but I feel she is still with me everyday and I truly believe I will see her again when I leave this world. I love you Mother. God bless you, you are my guardian angel now.
This sweet kitty needs a home. Please contact the Oakville and Milton Humane Society in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Here's the link:
This photo I took this past Thursday. It was a beautiful day up here, sunny and nearly 80 degrees with a nice breeze! The apples are blooming everywhere!