What is it about snow at Christmas?? I mean, when Jesus was born, I doubt there was any snow around Bethlehem!! But it is ingrained in us, "White Christmas" "Jingle Bells", etc. As a child, I was happy with Christmas without snow because there were other "fun" things to occupy my time and my mind. But now that I am not a child (on the outside) my inner child longs to see snow. And a LOT of it! My husband, son and I moved thousands of miles to live in "snow country". We originally wanted to live in Vermont but couldn't find a place to live there, so we had to settle for Massachusetts, but only FIVE MINUTES AWAY FROM VERMONT!! When we first moved up here, you were pretty much guaranteed a white Christmas and sometimes snow up to your knees! Here it is, Dec. 21st, it's snowing like crazy everywhere, including, I heard, Morocco!! But this kid living on a MOUNTAIN in NEW ENGLAND can't get her wish the only present that she wants or even can get!!! SNOW!! I would love to see it snow coming down, swirling around, and I don't care if it's up to my knees. I know we will eventually get real snow. What we have right now is about 1" of snow on the ground, which to me, living here in the mountains of New England, is very WHIMPY!!!
What's more disheartening is when you say to the cab driver or anyone in this town, oh I think it's going to snow, or, "I hope we have snow for Christmas!" They all whine and say "Ohhh, I hope we DON'T!!!" These are the very people with their NEGATIVE PRAYERS that are keeping the snow away from here!!! LOL! I really BELIEVE it! Even Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "What you think about, expands!" I'm thinking about snowfall hoping it will "expand" while working against me is probably more than 100 people thinking about NO SNOWFALL which seems to be expanding!!! Last night I looked on the radar, there was a storm off the coast of Massachusetts that had bands like you see on a hurricane! A GUARANTEED NOR'EASTER! Saw videos of a man in Cape Cod, bragging with his video camera, "We're having a blizzard!" "We have at least a foot of snow on the ground!!" The "snow bands" were sweeping right TOWARDS us!! No way this one was going to miss us, right?? Ha! ha!! Finally I was able to get my childlike excitement down and go to sleep. Before that, I played music that was titled "Snowfall" and "Snowdance" and mentally pictured the snow coming down and swirling all around me! I pictured myself grabbing a tube or anything and going sliding down a hill! I pictured myself ice skating outdoors with snow coming down. And then I thanked God for snow. I thought, "Well, certainly when I wake up, it will be snowing and a lot of snow on the ground!" HA!!! I wake up this morning and what do I see? NOTHING. Just grey skies. I can't describe to you how unbearable this is for me. It's like an itch that you can't scratch!! I am restless. I'm driving my husband and my pets mad, because I don't have snow to play in! lol As I get older on the outside, the child inside of me wants to come out and play!! We don't have a car so we can't DRIVE to where the snow is. We don't have spending money to go to a ski resort that's just down the road to go tubing!! (BUT THEY HAVE SNOW BECAUSE IT'S COLD ENOUGH TO STICK!!) They are steady making snow!! Isn't it sad that people have to pay to play in it?? I told my husband, I think I would like to get a snow-making machine!! I mean, they've finally come out with the technology to MAKE SNOW! He laughes at me, an almost "you're insane" laugh. Yes I'm most likely insane! So what?
I'd say 90% of the people around here are insane! I should fit right in! But wouldn't it be so fun to have one of those machines. When I lived in the hot southeast where it wouldn't snow, even if you had a snow making machine, I was restless. Only if it snowed did I feel a sense of relief. So I decided I wanted to live WHERE IT SNOWS IN WINTER. My family wanted to go, too. (Maybe if someone had paid my way to go to a ski resort, I wouldn't have forced them to come with me! LOL!). My sister and her husband would go skiing up in the mountains. Goody, goody for them, must be nice! But here, Marlene finally makes it to New England, perhaps, only MY dream and not my family's. Perhaps I am being punished for being so selfish.
That COULD be it...? I don't know. But it snows ALL AROUND US except here!! Explain that?? I can't even get the weatherman to admit it's kind of WEIRD! Okay.....I've accepted my lot in life. Inside of me there's a little child that wants to play in the snow, get AWAY from apartment living, go up in the mountains and commune with God all day. The walls in this apartment are so thin, you can hear when someone sneezes or passes gas. That's pretty pathetic. I know I should be grateful to have a roof over my head. So many people are homeless, but for some weird reason, I wouldn't mind having a tent IN THE SNOW. One of those Cabella tents where you can put a wood stove in them. You can live all winter, IN THE SNOW, in one of those suckers and NOT BE AROUND ANNOYING PEOPLE 24/7!!
Okay, now I have bored you all to death, with my wishes and childish dreams!! lol! If you kind of like me, or if you love me or even if you hate me, will you do JUST ONE FAVOR, for me?? WILL YOU PLEASE PRAY FOR IT TO SNOW AT LEAST 1FOOT OR MORE IN CLARKSBURG, MA BEFORE CHRISTMAS?? You will make a little child happy, and her poor husband won't have to listen to her whine about NOT having snow. Poor man. I bet he regrets marrying me now! LOL!
My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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- anslatadams
- I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!
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- Blizzard, Dec. 27, 2010
- Blizzard, Dec. 27, 2010
- Blizzard seen from streetlight, Christmas blizzard...
- WHAT CHRISTMAS MEANS TO ME----by Mary Baker Eddy
- David & Me
- Bubble lights on our Christmas Tree!
- December Snowfall with Natalie Cole singing Noel i...
- Snow for Christmas!
- Lighthouses and waves during VERY stormy weather
- Silent Night - Andy Williams & Perry Como
- Perry Como - "Do You Hear What I Hear"
- Tony Bennett - Snowfall
- A Winter's Solstice - New England Morning (One Tru...
- Carol of the Bells
- EXTREME Lake Effect Snow Blizzard in Michigan!
- This "kid" wants snow for Christmas!
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my Fli...
- Original vintage late 1940s early 1950s cardboard ...
- Icicles and moonlight
- Christmas lights in our neighborhood
- Jolly (Saint?) Nick!!
- Bugaboo the Red-Nosed kitty cat!!!
- Our Christmas tree!
- One Solitary Life
- And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behol...
- Enya - Journey of the Angels
- Vince Guaraldi Trio - Skating
- The First Noel - Natalie Cole
- Where are you Christmas? Faith Hill
- Kings College Choir, Cambridge - In the bleak midw...
- Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli - Windham Hill Live
- Jingle Bell Dogs
- Emerald Isle, White Coating
- http://www.eceti.org/Eceti.IndexII.html
- Budweiser commercial
- Red Ice Radio - Hillary Raimo - State of Control, ...
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