He was born in an obscure village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until he was about thirty.
He then became an itinerant preacher.
He never held an office.
He never had a family or owned a house.
He didn't go to college.
He had no credentials but Himself.
After preaching three years, the public turned against Him.
His friends ran away.
He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.
While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only property He had on earth.
He was laid in a borrowed grave.
Nineteen centuries have come and gone,
and today He is the central figure of the human race.
All the armies that ever marched,
all the navies that ever sailed,
all the parliaments that ever sat, and
all the kings that ever reigned
have not affected the life of man on the earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE.
Author unknown.
My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
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About Me

- anslatadams
- I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!
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- Blizzard, Dec. 27, 2010
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- David & Me
- Bubble lights on our Christmas Tree!
- December Snowfall with Natalie Cole singing Noel i...
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- Perry Como - "Do You Hear What I Hear"
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- EXTREME Lake Effect Snow Blizzard in Michigan!
- This "kid" wants snow for Christmas!
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my Fli...
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- Christmas lights in our neighborhood
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- Bugaboo the Red-Nosed kitty cat!!!
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- One Solitary Life
- And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behol...
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- Vince Guaraldi Trio - Skating
- The First Noel - Natalie Cole
- Where are you Christmas? Faith Hill
- Kings College Choir, Cambridge - In the bleak midw...
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