Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What a time it was!! Looking through my scrapbook memories!

What a time it was!! Looking through my scrapbook memories!
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

What a time it was!! Looking through my scrapbook memories!
LOL!! We all look so funny! My hair looked like a poodle's! LOL! That's me on the left
Mary Huntley (Yarbrough), and Pat Davis (Hughes). Sometimes I swear we were like the 3 female stooges! LOL! Living down south in Georgia, with the high humidity, curly
hair was a curse! You can see how short my bangs were (probably cut that day and on
the sides my hair sticks out like a stuffed dog's ears! LOL!! Mary, with the infamous 8 ball. We had soo much fun with that. Pat's holding some unusual party favors my mother got from the dimestore. They were made all of wood (probably Balsa) and you would squeeze the bottom two sticks the the little guy on the trapeze (hard to see) would flip over! To this day, Pat or Tricia as she likes to be called now, will still mention those! I had almost forgot about them until she mentioned them about a year ago! What's really funny is that the 8 ball is still selling strong in the toy departments, brings back so many hilarious memories! Those little trapeze thingies I think are still sold
at that catalog you can get, Oriental Trading, I think but they're not made as good as they were back then and I think they're plastic, now. I wonder what happened to the ones we had? Maybe Pat took them with her! LOL! She might even have them to this very day since she mentioned them. I know they WERE party favors so there were 3 of them, here she's holding two, I guess Mary's and hers, as usual who knows where I put mine, little miss scatterbrained! LOL! Behind us was an antique dresser that my dear mother restored. The trim was pink and the drawers themselves were white with thin gold trim.
I LOVED it!! On top of the dresser I can see some things and remember others. I had a cheap bottle of Cologne I got at a family Christmas reunion. I still remember the name of it, Cara Nome??? Does anybody remember that? Probably you could get it at Woolworth's for 50 cents! LOL! It was in a yellow bottle and it smelled good at first but since I didn't wear cologne that much at the age of 10 (I was too much of a tomgirl!) it
got stale and one day I opened it and nearly passed out! LOL! It was sooo strong! Arrgggh! But I kept it on my dresser anyway because it was "colorful". LOL! I had a plastic Indian Teepee that the lady up the street gave me. She would donate to an Indian Reservation and they would send her those cute things. I also had a beautiful plastic papoose that they had sent her also. It was blue (the blanket) and the back was brown with a baby's head peeking out it had a place on the back where you could hang it on the wall if you wanted but I liked it on my dresser. My desk was behind Pat and it also was the same color as the dresser and was also antique. It sat next to a window with a Carolina Cherry tree next to it and I would watch the birds come and go and never was able to finish my homework!! (ahem!) lol In the spring, the wonderful fresh smell of the spring rains, gurgling in the gutters and downspouts was like a lullaby! And I remember sitting at that desk on a cool April evening which was a "rainy night in Georgia" that night and hearing the spring peepers and toads singing their hearts out.
I was working on my 7th grade deadline for my Georgia Scrapbook that we had to turn in the next day!! (As usual I would put it off to the last minute!). God I loved my childhood home and neighborhood, but little did I realize the dangers lurking just 20 to 30 miles away from us. It was called the "Bomb plant" back then. Later it was called DuPont and last time I heard it was called SRS or the Savannah River site. It was leaking radioactive tritium into our air and water!! Mary's mother sadly died of leukemia shortly after this photo was taken, Mary was the same age as me. Pat's mother died a couple of years ago from pancreatic cancer and me? My thyroid doesn't function anymore and I have to take synthetic thyroid hormones. That's what nuclear plants do to humans, so i know first hand how bad it is. I remember when we would get a rare snowfall in Georgia we wanted to eat the snow and our parents would warn us "don't eat the snow, it's radioactive". When I think back on these days, because of such loving parents we had a happy childhood, but we didn't know of the horrible dangers of living there. So sad.
But I thank God, I have made it this far and both my friends. My mother died of breast cancer and there were numerous other people in the neighborhood that died of all kinds of cancers. Well I hope we have learned not to build anymore Nuclear anything, but you know how big money talks. I just got finished watching "Silkwood" and I had to cry. I almost feel like I need to take up where she left off, but at what price to my life? Who knows. Pray for me.

Uploaded by anslatadams on 3 Feb 10, 9.30PM EST.

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I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!

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