Please feed me!!
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
Please feed me!!
We have more Chickadees than any other birds in my backyard area. We do have Blue Jays and Downy Woodpeckers coming by, too. I've been trying to capture them. Sometimes it's too cold and windy to go outside! I can't remember if I took this through the kitchen window or on the back porch! The Chickadees are easier to capture, even though they're fast, they're not that afraid of humans and will sometimes stay at the feeder even though I'm standing on the porch taking photos of them. The real challenge is getting the Blue Jays and Downy Woodpeckers. Also occasional Cardinals stop by, but my friend, Esther up the road pretty much gets all of them in her yard!! I will have to go visit her and get some photos from her feeders. She has all kinds of birds coming to hers!! She has a lot of evergreen trees and bushes growing around her house which they feel safer being around there. Right below this feeder
is our Christmas tree. I always put it outside as cover for the birds since we don't have
any tall ones around YET. I'm working on getting some growing. I have a puny Holly bush and Ligustrum or Privet growing next to the privacy fence but they're growing sooo
slow! I think it's because of all the rocks in the ground plus I have to feed them and acidic fertilizer because the soil is too alkaline. Hopefully before long I will have a hedge of evergreens around so that the birds will feel safer and more varieties of birds will come around in the winter! I have a great variety in the summer when the trees are leafed out.
Uploaded by anslatadams on 10 Feb 10, 7.21PM EST.
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