Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1000 mph

1000 mph
Originally uploaded by celticsong22

Here's how it goes in my neck of the woods....

1. watch the local news to see if the impending thunderstorm will stop the launch.

2. Wait until about a minute and a half before lift off, then go outside and take a few practice shots.

3. Watch the shuttle rise into the sky and fly over the ocean.

4. Watch the tiny, orange speck of flame until there's separation and it disappears.

5. Grab some more shots of the shuttle trail.

6. Go back in the AC and cool off again!

This is the view from my front yard of the Endeavor Launch at 6:03, July 15, 2009.

View On Black

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About Me

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I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!