Red Rose for you
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
A snowless winter so far for Mt. Greylock. Well not completely snowless, but the amounts are so paltry, that as soon as the temps go above freezing, the snow immediately melts. This has been a very strange winter. First one like this that we have experienced since moving here in 2001. Mr. Greylock is the highest elevation in Massachusetts. It is located in Adams, MA. Here we're viewing it from Clarksburg, MA almost near the Vermont border.
I love this old farmhouse on this hill overlooking the other mountains! So cute and beautiful, what a peaceful place it must be especially in the summer, too!