Autumn Oct 5
Originally uploaded by anslatadams On and off, very busy
My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
Even the ferns are beautiful this time of the year as well as in summer!
Colors are brightening!
A beautiful day for taking photos of the fall foliage here in New England, before long the wind and rains will be stripping the trees bare, so I took advantage of this sunny day!
Almost same view but a little more to the left.
The colors are coming!
She's such a joy to have and such a polite lady!
Finally got a chance to go up on the mountains and got these beautiful views! This is looking Northwest towards Vermont. In the distance are the Green Mountains. I noticed that the trees are slightly starting to turn color!
On top of Florida Mountain looking into the valley of North Adams, MA. This was the first view we had of North Adams when we first came to Massachusetts. Only problem is I couldn't get the church steeples, some of the trees were blocking the view of the steeples. It's really impressive when you see the steeples!
The highest point in Massachusetts, Mt. Greylock. There is a war memorial beacon on the top that you can see and also a HAM radio tower. The front face of Mt. Greylock had a landslide years ago and thats what the exposed area is. I loved how blue the mountains looked!
These could almost be the Blue Ridge Mountains, and they ARE part of the Appalachian mountain chain. But these are the Berkshire Mountains on a beautiful September morning!
From my garden!
Our new baby. We rescued her and so glad we did. She's a sweetheart!
Plenty of Hummingbirds at my wildflower garden, though!
My wildflower garden, but hardly NO butterflies this summer! What's going on??
In North Adams, MA. Despite the dry summer, a lot of beauty!
On the Caproni farm in North Adams, MA.
Meet our new dog! She's a sweetheart and we rescued her from certain death!
Their beautiful water fountain and they have several more, many of which are run by solar power alone! Their farm is so beautiful, a little piece of heaven, I call it! Their pond has the biggest Bull Frogs I have ever seen! LOL!
Love the architecture on this house!
Taken while passing through Bennington, VT.