Saturday, October 22, 2011


Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Beautiful Gazebo in the fall. Western Massachusetts, Berkshires.

The Golden Eagle Restaurant

The Golden Eagle Restaurant
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

On the hairpin turn on the Mohawk Trail. (Route 2)

A pocket of color

A pocket of color
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Old barn in Autumn

Old barn in Autumn
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011
Originally uploaded by MassDOT

Near the Hairpin turn above North Adams, MA.

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011
Originally uploaded by MassDOT

A portion of Route 2 that suffered significant damage due to flooding from Tropical Storm Irene remains closed from Mile Marker 21.6 in Florida to Mile Marker 27.5 in Charlemont.

MassDOT is committed to an accelerated repair process, beginning with slope stabilization in North Adams and Florida along with temporary repairs for a 3.5 mile segment of Route 2 in Savoy.

MassDOT anticipates bidding for accelerated construction contracts to complete the reconstruction of the roadway will begin immediately next week.

A Detour Route with local signage is listed below.

From North Adams:

Route 8, Adams, to Route 116 through Adams, Savoy, Plainfield, and Ashfield,

to Route 112 through Ashfield and Buckland,

to Route 2, East Charlemont.

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011

Route 2, Irene Flooding Damage, September 2011
Originally uploaded by MassDOT

A portion of Route 2 that suffered significant damage due to flooding from Tropical Storm Irene remains closed from Mile Marker 21.6 in Florida to Mile Marker 27.5 in Charlemont.

MassDOT is committed to an accelerated repair process, beginning with slope stabilization in North Adams and Florida along with temporary repairs for a 3.5 mile segment of Route 2 in Savoy.

MassDOT anticipates bidding for accelerated construction contracts to complete the reconstruction of the roadway will begin immediately next week.

A Detour Route with local signage is listed below.

From North Adams:

Route 8, Adams, to Route 116 through Adams, Savoy, Plainfield, and Ashfield,

to Route 112 through Ashfield and Buckland,

to Route 2, East Charlemont.

Route 2, Florida-Savoy Bridge Damage, September 30, 2011

Route 2, Florida-Savoy Bridge Damage, September 30, 2011
Originally uploaded by MassDOT

Route 2 Bridge Damage from Tropical Storm Irene is seen at the Florida-Savoy line. MassDOT Secretary Richard A. Davey announced that work to reconstruct the six-mile section of Route 2 devastated by Tropical Storm Irene will begin in early October.

The roadway linking the communities of North Adams, Florida, Savoy, and Charlemont suffered major damage from the storm and flooding, making it impassable to traffic. Reconstruction is expected to cost $34.5 million and work under an accelerated bidding process will begin early next week. The roadway is expected to re-open to traffic by mid-December.

MassDOT has assembled a map showing the closed portion of Route 2 that suffered significant damage due to flooding from Tropical Storm Irene and outlining the current posted detour.

Route 2 is closed from Mile Marker 21.6 in Florida to Mile Marker 27.5 in Charlemont.

Route 2, Secretary Davey, September 30, 2011

Route 2, Secretary Davey, September 30, 2011
Originally uploaded by MassDOT

Damage from Hurricane Irene: MassDOT Secretary Richard A. Davey visiting Route 2 announced that work to reconstruct the six-mile section of Route 2 devastated by Tropical Storm Irene will begin in early October.

The roadway linking the communities of North Adams, Florida, Savoy, and Charlemont suffered major damage from the storm and flooding, making it impassable to traffic. Reconstruction is expected to cost $34.5 million and work under an accelerated bidding process will begin early next week. The roadway is expected to re-open to traffic by mid-December.

MassDOT has assembled a map showing the closed portion of Route 2 that suffered significant damage due to flooding from Tropical Storm Irene and outlining the current posted detour.

Route 2 is closed from Mile Marker 21.6 in Florida to Mile Marker 27.5 in Charlemont.


Originally uploaded by anslatadams

These shrubs are everywhere up here, coming up wild, not sure if they are native shrubs, I have seen people planting them as hedges. The berries are so beautiful and the birds love them. On this particular bush the leaves haven't turned yet because we really haven't had below 32 degree temps YET! Here it is Oct. 20th! Very unusual weather for this part of th country. Usually the leaves turn an orange color. Sometimes the berries are still on the shrubs when we get our first snow, when and if we DO get snow, I will try and get of shot of these beautiful red berries against the white of the snow.

Near the sugaring shack on the farm

Near the sugaring shack on the farm
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

North Adams, MA

Gold carpet

Gold carpet
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

North Adams, MA.

Fall foliage on a mountain

Fall foliage on a mountain
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

In North Adams, MA.

Farm trail with fall colors

Farm trail with fall colors
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

The day this was taken was October the 10th in Western Massachusetts in the Berkshires, that particular day it got up to 80 degrees F!! It felt more like the middle of JULY than October. Unreal!

Sunset through Autumn trees

Sunset through Autumn trees
Originally uploaded by anslatadams

It looks like to me the trees are on fire as the setting sun shines through the golden leaves!


Originally uploaded by anslatadams

Autumn as come to town and is leaving as quickly as it came although the temperatures are really not that cold yet. We are having a very unusually mild Autumn, perhaps in part from Hurricane Irene coming through. We're not getting any cold fronts from Canada and as far as I know, we really haven't had a frost yet!! Very unusual for this time of the year in this part of the country!

About Me

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I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!

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