My daily life (when I have time to post) of living in Northwestern Massachusetts in the Berkshire mountains. My photos of the area and when possible, photos of wildlife and my tiny garden which I'm trying to attract wildlife with. Also my beliefs in the environment and protecting it as well as astronomy and space travel.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
Another of Autumn's symbols, the beautiful Chrysanthemums and their spicy fragrance!
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
I couldn't resist taking this photo of a basket turned over with pumpkins spilling out of it! Pumpkins are one of the very essential signs of Autumn and harvest. I hope your Autumn is filled with beauty and peace this year!
The Autumn Woods
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
Here is more of the breathtaking beauty I encountered! Look how the beautiful blue spruce stands out among all the colors. It was so beautiful I literally got tears in my eyes and prayed to God to always let this place stay this way!
The Autumn Woods
Originally uploaded by anslatadams
These woods were so beautiful one Autumn afternoon here in Massachusetts, I just gasped at the beauty. I felt God's presence with us and a peace came over me that I can't describe. Truly this is what the Native Americans must have felt when they looked at God's creations all around them. No roads, no buildings, no shopping malls or urban sprawl, just Gods beauty laid out before them. They knew how to live WITH the land, not try to conquer it. I wish America still looked this way, EVERYWHERE!! We must preserve our woodlands. If we don't wildlife will take over where we don't want them to. I think I wouldn't mind living Native American style. Close to God's creatures and no light pollution to block out the stars! Please remember to help protect America's forests.
Taken in Western Massachusetts near the Mohawk Trail.
About Me

- anslatadams
- I can be very social, but then a recluse. I like my privacy when I'm working in my flower garden. I like to meditate there with God and the birds and the flowers. I love animals, all God's creatures and I can't stand people that abuse them! I strongly urge anyone that wants a pet to adopt from your local animal shelter. There are many loving animals that are at shelters waiting for a loving home. You can find me most of the time on Flickr where I have a photostream!